Monday, June 7, 2010

Isla and her friends

Chatting with Faith - my future babysitter!

Lourdes looking very comfortable holding Isla

Isla with her cousins Loren, Paige & Mia
(Fifita & Sonia and Pepe & Michelle's girls)
Cousin Mia

Visiting with Liz (Tolly's boss) & her daughter Isabella
Isla must've found this very boring as she fell asleep!

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Hello Winter! Wellington has been a winter wonderland in the last few days - cold southerlies, pelting rain and freezing temperatures. Poor Papa (who is in charge of electrity bills) might have a heartattack when the power bill arrives as the heaters have been going non-stop!

Aunty Senara sent this outfit for Isla from BC - when it first arrived I thought Isla would never get the chance to wear it but we pulled it out today as it's 5 degrees!!! :( Brrrr.......